Sunday, December 12, 2010

Avery Was

Avery was is designed to portray young Avery's diminishing body after she was kidnapped by her aunt and eventually burned. Avery Was is a tri-fold acordian fold letterpressed printed in the J. Willard Marriott Library in Salt Lake City.

A Box Full of Ashes

A Box Full of Ashes contains all of the pieces of Avery Was. Filled with ashes, and covered in black paint A Box Full of Ashes represents the death of young Avery and the entrapment in which she felt. The lid of the box houses newspaper clippings about Avery's abduction.

Avery's Journal

Avery's Journal is a journal composed for Avery by her mother Lyona when she was young filled with small pieces of advice and notes on life. The black pages of the book are nailed shut and filled with letters from avery to her mother pleading for her mother's help and safe return.

Avery Dolls

Avery Was

Avery Was is a book arts project composed of three pieces: Avery dolls, Avery’s journal, Joanna’s Journal, A Box Full of Ashes, and Avery Was. This piece is about a young girl, Avery, who was kidnapped by her aunt Joanna. Joanna kidnaps Avery in hopes of restoring her and her sister, Lyona’s childhood after their stepfather started molesting them at Avery’s age.

Avery Dolls is a compilation of paper dolls; photocopied, water colored, and hand stamped.

Avery’s Journal is a mix-media collage journal composed of hand-inked linoleum blocks and rubber-stamps, pressure prints, rub-ons, and hand drawings.

Joanna’s Journal is a compilation of short stories.

A Box Full of Ashes is a wooden box covered in collage done with oil paint, ink, and paper.

Avery Was is a letterpress printed accordion fold that shows the diminishing of Avery through the disappearance of the title Avery Was. Printed in the Book Arts Studio at the J. Willard Marriot Library in Salt Lake City.